In France and internationally, we represent the values of our region, its inhabitants and its different terroirs, with passion and conviction. We are driven by the results we have obtained by working with our partners and sharing commitments. Together, for over thirty-five years, we have ensured that we offer only high-quality wines from sustainably cultivated vines, whose production meets our specific requirements.

Driven by a shared passion
Our expertise at Caves Languedoc Roussillon stems from our ability to question ourselves on a daily basis, and to adapt our offer to market demand. Surrounded by our wine-growing partners and united by a shared passion, we are creating the wines of tomorrow. The close relationship we enjoy with each of our wine-growers, some of whom are 3rd generation, is the result of trust and sharing.
Together, we are committed to
meeting the challenges of the future, and to providing the best quality wines at the best possible prices.
meeting the challenges of the future, and to providing the best quality wines at the best possible prices.

Committed to quality
Every wine corresponds to a vineyard, a château, or a Domaine, where a story comes to life and reputations grow. All our wines are exclusively estate-bottled under the supervision of the wine-growers. We sell only wines that we produce and blend ourselves, early in the season. We therefore guarantee perfect traceability for all our products, which comply fully with the standards and regulations of our profession. Moreover, our main permanent bottling site is certified IFS (International Featured Standard) and BRC (British Retail Consumer).
We provide only truly authentic wines that we ourselves like to drink.

Dedicated to respecting the land
We have always worked towards respecting the environment in agriculture, and we encourage our wine-growing partners to do the same. That is why in 2011, we published an Eco-Attitude Charter, based on the principles of eco-design. The wine-growers onboard with the Eco-Attitude concept embody a new vision of the profession, and their approach is one of development and progress. They cultivate the vineyards using either organic or sustainable methods (HVE3, Terra Vitis). Certified by national and international labels that guarantee our commitment, our charter integrates environmental aspects into product creation as follows: light-weight bottles made from recycled glass, FSC certified corks, REVIPAC recycled boxes, and a Print Environment certified printer.
Careful use of natural resources and controlled waste management reinforce our sustainable development strategy.